A growing section of the Christian community is echoing the belief that it is okay for Christians to watch movies or TV shows with sexually explicit scenes. Then there are those who strongly believe that any such content is a strict no-no for a believer. The discussion would be laid to rest and agreement reached if it was strictly black and white without any grey in it. Let us look at some of the arguments for and against.

On-screen explicit content is a grey area: It is easily understood and accepted in the context of an art documentary covering old art work containing explicit scenes (even Christian art) and exploring the subject matter, or an education film on some far-flung native tribes that are not used to being fully clothed. The reason given by those who subscribe to this view about fictional stories made for commercial consumption is that it is required to present the story, the actors do not really mean it, and the viewers anyway know that it is fictional.

It is a strict no-no for a believer: Would you peep into a room to see two people doing just the same things they are doing on screen? This is one of the first questions that one would be asked by people who hold the no-no stance. That watching something explicit on the screen can and will lead to lust in the heart of the viewer is a given. And, also that we are forbidden to do anything that might cause another believer to stumble or sin (Romans 14:21). Yes, it is true that sex is created by God and is inherently good, but what is depicted on the screen is mostly a distorted version – and sometimes abusive, damaging and hurtful.

The third group does not encourage actively searching for and viewing sexually explicit material in movies and TV show, but draws on the assumption that a Christian is mature enough to know the distinction between right and wrong, fact and fiction, helpful and hurtful. He is expected to be discerning enough not to complain about the explicit portrayal or make a hue and hue and cry should someone be consuming such content. They bring with them Romans 14:22 - Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves. But the question is valid - Is everyone strong enough to make the right decisions and be unmoved with an onslaught on explicit content? And for how long could one stand strong without being slowly moved away from the path of righteousness?

Let us look at some other considerations that need to be taken: Sexual sin is no worse than other sins, especially if it is depicted on screen. Would it still be okay for a Christian to consume commercial movie and TV content devoid of the sexually explicit scenes, but with a good amount of lying, thieving, covetousness, violence and killing?

If anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonourable, he will be a vessel for honourable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work - 2 Tim 2:21. If you want to be clean and available you have to keep yourself from corruption. Yes, some of us may be strong enough to not be swayed by explicit content. No, some of us may not be strong enough to not be impacted by what we see on the screen. It definitely seems convenient to stand in the grey area while justifying ourselves and leaving the others to be responsible for ourselves. But the Lord knows our hearts, our intentions, and weaknesses. And, we know them just as well. The easiest way to put this would be – watch at your own risk. What is at risk when do watch explicit movie and TV content? Will you survive the risk? Who else are you putting at risk?

By Santhosh Vennamalla
